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Research and Publications
Zaimović, E. “EU and the Mass Influx From Ukraine: Is There a Future for Temporary Protection?” In Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy, 2023 (forthcoming).
Honusková, V., Zaimović, E. Temporary protection as a bridge between Ukraine and Czechia: An unexpected choice of where to stay and how. In J. Handrlica, V. Sharp, L. Serhiichuk (eds). Ukrainian Law and the Law of the Czech Republic: An (Un)Expected Encounter, Bucharest-ParisCalgary: Ad Juris Publishing, 2023 (conference proceedings).
Kosař, D., Molek, P., Honusková, V., Jurman, M., Lupačová, H.: Zákon o azylu. Komentář. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2010.
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